Transformation Journey
A transformation journey is really something for you if you have a deep desire to change.
If you are fed up with self-sabotaging, if you are tired running into the same obstacles in your life. If you are willing to liberate yourself from restricted beliefs and patterns.
If you choose a transformation journey, you may like to start with a Birth Mapping-session or a Shake Off Stress-initiation.
Why starting with a Birt Mapping-session? The very beginning of your story, of your life, is of great importance if you want to get to know the root cause of most of your survivalmechanisms, beliefs and traumas.
Why a SOS-initiation? This method, easy to learn and at the same time deep working method, is highly effective in remedying the physical and psychological backwash of stress. It’s a gentle and yet powerful aid to discharge and dissolve the consequences of unprocessed experiences and emotions, going from daily stress to traumatizing incidents.
The remaining sessions after your Birth Mapping-session and/or SOS-initiation can be used for what you choose and need. You can do Change of beliefs-sessions if you want to turn old, destructive beliefs into constructive, empowering beliefs. You can choose for body oriented focussing sessions, systemical work or more energetic and meditative sessions…
A transformation joureny brings you from where you are to where you’ld like to be.
A “Transformation Journey L” contains 7 sessions from 1,5h, including a Birth Mapping-session and 3 SOS-sessions.
A “Transformation Journey XL” contains 9 sessions from 1,5h, including a Birth Mapping-session and 3 SOS-sessions.
A “Transformation Journey XXL” contains 11 sessions from 1,5h, including a Birth Mapping-session and 3 SOS-sessions.
You can easily book your session via the online agenda on this website.
Do you prefer to get some extra information before you book your sessions, please fill in the form on the right had side of this page.