
* I want to thank you for the wonderful lasersharp session we did last Friday. I can’t descripe it all very well, but it feels like on many deep layers all faucets are opened and everything seems to be synchronized, all flowing in one direction. It’s a very special feeling, as if I have landed deeper into my body, really coming home to myself.

* Thank you for supporting me on my healing journey. It feels like I made a huge progress last month, also thanks to you.  You are very compassionate and you have given me so many new insights. I also want to thank you for the inspiring quotes and reflections you share on your Facebookpage.

* Every month we come to meditate in your practice and it really is a present for us as a couple.  After the session everything feels easier and more smoothly, like love instantly increases. My partner and me always clearly feel when it’s time again for the next session. ?

* Just giving you a little update after our session yesterday . My head and thinking feels so much clearer and spacious. Spent a great morning, free and easy with my fun energy. Fun, laughter and chat and I was just me!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to peel my onion.

* Thank you for being who you are and for supporting me to tap back into my own power-source. 

* Thank you so much for this special experience. On the way home I realised it’s for the first time since my wife passed away I felt some aliveness and excitement again. I also have enjoyed my first fully pain-free day, that was just lovely.

* Thank you for the peace, the safety and the warmth. It helps me to be more grounded during these stormy and challenging times. You are an amazing coach.  

* A big THANK YOU for being there with me and being there for me during these past 7 weeks.  You helped me to grow more into who I really am.  It feels like you made the sun shine on my face again. The most swxeet words and funny images fly by when I think about our sessions.  It feels like a long long time since I felt so safe and so loved.  It’s a gift I got to know you.  THANK YOU!

* Also after this last Shake Off Stress-session I had such a good sleep and I felt so much lighter waking up. It feels like I am a milder and better version of me when I shake. 

* I am still so grateful and appreciate so much what you have done to me. I felt so wounded and it was just beautiful to be held within your space. You are a truly gifted healer. I was so brain dead and lost and you had so hit the point and heard me nevertheless. It felt wonderful to trust you when being so vulnerable, thank you. Love you!